International Delivery
ExpressRMS LLC provides express-delivery services* to individual customers within Russia and EACU. We process e-commerse orders from USA, EU, China and Hong Kong and deliver them either directly “into the hands” of the recipient or to the nearest delivery point.
ExpressRMS LLC is one of the few companies in Russia that has the ability to use a simplified customs clearance scheme to import goods for a client of your online-store or e-commerse company. Such scheme directly increases the availability of your online-store and makes them easier to use for customers in Russia and EACU.
Our advantages:
a) Guaranteed express-delivery to Russia within 5-14 business days (depending on the delivery area); delivery to the capital city of Moscow will take 5 business days; we provide our clients with a sophisticated IT-system for tracking orders, which informs the customer of every stage of delivery process (tracking numbers, etc.).
b) Fixed cost for international shipping — starts from $9 per kg.; once stated, it remains unchanged and includes customs duties, various taxes and cargo insurance; no hidden fees.
c) Simplified customs clearance scheme to import your goods to Russia. All that is required of your company is to provide us with basic information about the goods and the information about the recipient*.
d) Easy return system. We offer modern logistics and warehouse solutions for processing orders, returned by your customers (including further re-export), as well as the best prices on the market.
*in accordance to the EACU’s Customs Code, since year 2020 the term “express cargo” refers to shipments, whose total value does not exceed 200 euros and whose weight does not exceed 31.5 kg. Such shipments are not subjected to customs duties and VAT upon import into the country of EACU.